Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Brooklyn Loses Yet Another Institution: Dope Jams Records

I miss the monthly in-store parties that went on in this place. Dope Jams, 580 Myrtle Ave, Brooklyn, NY had their last in-store party Saturday, January 26, 2013 after seven successful years of selling high quality house music and dress2sweat throw down in-store parties every month. I've had good times and not so good times in that place. Met a lot of good spirits, and a few not so good spirits. I pasted be a few days after their last party to find the sign taken down and a letter on the door...

Almost brought a tear to my eye. After talking to one of the guys from Dope Jams Brooklyn, come to find out the owner of the build had raised their rent three times what their were paying. Clearing the owner wanted them out of the building. All just so the owner can put up a stroller and pet clothing store, you're kidding me right?

I had already been working on a monthly dance gathering in the area for a while. The closing of Dope Jams seem the added fuel and inspired me more to get something going. I have found such a space, a small intimate restaurant/bar in Bedford-Stuyvesant, not far from where Dope Jams once stood. It's a warm and welcoming spot the serves everything from teas, to various types of alcoholic beverages, to various types of vegetarian and vegan food. AND THEY HAVE SPACE TO DANCE! The tables and chairs can easily be moved out of the way if more dance space is needed. The DJ that spins there every 3rd Friday is really good to. A peaceful, soft spoken free spirit named Aphrosoul. A bit of an Artistic Indigenous Gypsy of Eclectic Soul Music, a messenger he is. He spins a beautiful, sensual, blending mix of soul, jazz, funk, disco, deep house, and beyond. Telling a story through the music, taking you on a blissfully rhythmic journey. Combine this with good food, good drink, warm welcoming vibrations, and you have the makings of something wonderful that will grow and flourish into something truly magical.

I do hope that word travels that there is a place to go where you can release your mind, let your hair down and be yourself, without judgement. A place free from constraints, free from drama, free from ego, free from issues, free from constraint, free from any and all stress. A place free and unplugged from the matrix. A place where regardless of your background, all can come together in love, in peace. A place where not only your physical being will be fed, your spiritual being will be equally if not more so fed, through the music.

To tribes of Bedford-Stuyvesant, Clinton Hill, and neighboring tribes of Brooklyn, NY, spread the word, and come out. This gathering of artistic like minded free spirits happens every month on the 3rd Friday, on Fulton and Bedford in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn (BKNY).

See you then,

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